The ultrasonic Pulse/Echo principle uses the round-trip travel time of a sound wave through the part wall to measure thickness.
Sampling, cutting coupons, disassembly, or destroying your part are no longer necessary.
And you can measure thickness anywhere on your part with access to only one side.

   Click to Download :   WT-600Series Catalog

   Click to Download :   WT-600Series Probe Zero & Calibration



A Pulse/Echo ultrasonic thickness gauge determines the thickness of a part or structure by accurately measuring the time required for a short ultrasonic pulse generated by a transducer to travel through the thickness of the material, reflect from the back or inside surface and be returned to the transducer.
WT-600 series, digital ultrasonic thickness gauges are handheld, micro-processor controlled instruments for measuring a wide variety of fabricated parts, especially where conditions allow access to one side only. Where you're spot checking thickness of incoming material, performing quality control on finished parts, or monitoring machining operations, the WT-600 series shorten inspection time and reduce costs.

WT-630 is the "Best" choice ¡¦ to satisfy your thickness measurement needs
B-scan provides a graphical thickness cross-sectional view of the work piece being inspected.
It is very helpful in quickly identifying laminated or heavily thinned areas. Pit size and contour can be easily mapped giving a representative view of the extent of corrosion pit damage. WT-630 for Accurate Data Collection and Simple Data Management
Using the on-board data logger makes collecting data with the WT-630 an easy operation for on inspector.
In the Normal, Alarm Average and Differential mode, readings are automatically stored in the
on-board data logger by pressing the MEM key.
A total 1,500 readings can be stored and divided into 50 data group in the WT-630's data logger memory.
Helios 2000 is an intuitive Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000 thickness data control program that simplifies the transfer, storage, analysis and documentation of thickness data.

Alarm Mode
If the measurement falls below your minimum specified value or is over your maximum specified value, the red LED will light and the beeper will sound. The green LED will light to indicate an acceptable thickness.
Average Mode
If you intend to know the uniformity of certain area, you can use this function. The unit will calculate the average value of 4 times measured data automatically.
Differential Mode
The unit will display the positive or negative difference of your minimum specified value.
High Speed Scan Mode
By dragging the probe along any given area, the unit will display the thinnes reading it found at a rate of 20 readings per second.
Statistics Data Mode
The unit will display velocity, minimum, maximum and average value of measured data.
Easy to Use
Installation of Helios 2000 is easy through the automated installation program.
Direct WT-630 Communication
Simple, fast, bi-directional communication (send/receive) is provided with the model WT-630 B-Scan thickness gauge.
Copy and Paste
Provides a quick and easy way to get inspection data into standard spreadsheet (MS-Excel) program.Print report through all Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2000 supported printers. (Windows NT not support)
Real-time Trigger Function
WT-630 B-scan thickness gauge will transfer real-time
B-scan thickness data to PC directly.